13 aug. 13.08.2016 Latvia Riga ” Baltic Bulldog Winner 16″
13.08.2016 Latvia, Riga “Baltic Bulldog Winner 2016 “our dogs Rewalia Stig The Power Of Sight JUN cl.EX3, Zecudas Mentor CH cl EX4, Rewalia Joice The Snowflake JUN cl.EX4, Stitch Style Assol Open class EX CQ2 BF5, Rewalia Hearty Hannah CH cl.EX CQ 2, Rewalia Dreamer- Domino the first time Veteran cl EX CQ1, BOB VET, BM4, Latvia Vet CAC, BB VW-2016, Nica Nichole Imanta Veteran cl EX CQ1, BOS VET, BF4, Latvia Vet CAC, BB VW-2016 and kennel Rewalia, EAH 1 !!!! Judge Christakis Zeniou, Cyprus. I am very happy and proud of over us !
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