16 aug. 16.08.2013 Inglise ja prantsuse bulldogite Erinäitus Luigel
16.08.2013 Speciality show for English and French bulldogs and 2 and 9 Group Show, Tallinn judge Helene Denis France our dogs: Zecudas Mentor BOB, buldog BIS 2 and group show BIG 4. Rewalia Watson-William Jun cl EX3,Rewalia Digger-Diamond Ch.cl.EX2, Rewalia Hearty Hannah Jun cl vg2, Rewalia Necklace Neville Inter.cl vg2, Rewalia Nightly Narcissa open cl.EX2, Rewalia Queen Victoria Ch cl EX3 and Rewalia Daphne-Daniela Ch cl.EX1 BOS !!!! Breeder class Nica Nichole Imanta 1, buldog BIS1 and group show BIS2, Breeder class kennel REWALIA II, Brace Competition 1, buldog BIS1 and goup show BIS 2.
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